GeneDireX, Inc.

Nimble Juice R Type (Protein Staining Reagent)

Size: 500 mL

Storage: 4°C, protect from light

Ex/Em: 330, 390/ 570 nm

  • No need organic solvent and acetic acid
  • Extremely simple & fast staining ONLY needed for immediate results!
  • Excellent compatibility with existing instruments Can be used with a simple UV-box
  • Wide linear detection range At least three orders of magnitude.
  • Perfectly compatible with downstream analysis Compatible with MS and sequencing.


Nimble Juice RTYPE is a fast and sensitive fluorescent dye for visualization and quantitation of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. It comes as a 1x solution that is ready to use at the working concentration. Nimble Juice RTYPE is normally low fluorescent but emits strong fluorescence (bright golden color) when bound to proteins. The staining procedure is a simple two-step protocol (microwave and stain) that can be completed in as little as 12 minutes. During the experiment, it doesn’t require organic solvents and acetic acid. A destaining step is not generally recommended, but may be employed to reduce the background, simply by agitating the gel in water for 1-5 minutes. Gels stained with the Nimble Juice RTYPE may be directly visualized with a variety of different UV-based fluorescence imaging systems. The maximum emission wavelength of the protein-bound Nimble Juice RTYPE is near 570 nm. Nimble Juice RTYPE gives exceptional sensitivity and a wide dynamic range for protein detection. The bound Nimble Juice RTYPE dye is easily removed from the protein by immersing the gel in sufficient water, thus it is well compatible with subsequent enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometry for proteomic applications. The stained gels may be stored in the stain solution in dark at 2-8°C.

The product is stable for at least 1 year when stored at 4°C. Avoid exposure to temperatures higher than 37°C, and protect from the light.








