GeneDireX, Inc.

Plasmid miniPREP Kit

Size: 100 Reactions / 300 Reactions



  • Ready-to-use DNA for high performance in any downstream application.
  • Consistent DNA yields from a small amount of the starting material.
  • Time flexibility.

Kit Contents

Contents 300 Reactions 100 Reactions
Buffer S1 65 ml 25 ml
Buffer S2 65 ml 25 ml
Buffer S3 95 ml 35 ml
Buffer W1 125 ml 45 ml
Buffer W2 (Add ethanol) 25 ml x 2 (100 ml X 2) 15 ml x 1 (60 ml X 1)
Buffer BE 30 ml 10 ml
RNase A (50mg/mL) 150 μl 50 μl
PM Column 50 pieces x 6 50 pieces x 2
Collection Tube 50 pieces x 6 50 pieces x 2


The Plasmid miniPREP Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for the plasmid DNA isolation from the cultured bacterial cells. The Plasmid miniPREP Kit is based on the alkaline lysis of bacterial cells, followed by the binding of the DNA onto the glass fiber matrix of the spin column in the presence of high salt. The phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required, and the high-quality plasmid DNA is eluted in a small volume of Tris buffer (included in the kit) or water (pH between 7.0 and 8.5, not provided in the kit). The plasmid DNA purified with the Plasmid miniPREP Kit is suitable for a variety of routine applications including restriction enzyme digestion, sequencing, library screening, in vitro translation, transfection of robust cells, ligation, and transformation. The entire procedure can be completed within 15-20 minutes.


  • Quantity of DNA needed.
  • Molecular weight and size of DNA.
  • Purity of DNA required.

Quality Control
The quality of the Plasmid miniPREP Kit is tested on a lot-to-lot basis to ensure consistent product quality.





