GeneDireX, Inc.

PR Reagent (Plant Total RNA Isolation Kit)

Size: 100 Reactions


  • Fast procedure delivering high-quality total RNA.
  • Ready-to-use RNA for high performance in any downstream application.
  • Consistent RNA yield from the starting material with a small amount Provides sufficient reagents and 3 steps to treat samples.

Kit Contents

Contents Size
PR buffer 1 100 ml
PR buffer 2 10 ml


The PR Reagent provides an easy 3-step method to isolate the total RNA from plant samples. This unique reagent system ensures the total RNA with a high yield and good quality from the most common plant samples as well as samples high in polysaccharides. If a larger sample is required, the kit volume can be scaled up proportionately, making the kit not only user-friendly but also highly versatile. The RNA phenol extraction is not required, and the entire procedure can be completed in 2 hours. The total RNA (up to 80 μg for fresh plant tissue) is ready for use in RT-PCR, Northern Blotting, cDNA Synthesis and Mapping.


  • RT-PCR of RNA.
  • Northern blotting.
  • Real-time RT-PCR.

Quality Control
The quality of the PR Reagent (Plant Total RNA Isolation Kit) is tested on a lot-to-lot basis to ensure consistent product quality.





