GeneDireX, Inc.

SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox

Size: 100 rxns


  • High Capacity of PCR Amplified
  • Enhanced Fluoresce Signal
  • Lower PCR Inhibition
  • Higher Sensitivity

Storage Conditions
Upon arrival, the SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox should be stored at -20°C and protected from light.
After each experiment, the leftover thawed mix can be stored at 4°C if it is to be used within the next 3 months. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles to retain maximum performance. The SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox is stable for 1 year from the date of shipping when stored and handled properly.


Cat.No. SQ101-0100 Categories ,

A 2X concentrated mix of Taq polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, fluorescent dye (detection), reference dye and proprietary buffer components, the SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox provides a convenient, reliable and robust set-up for performing quantitative real-time analysis of DNA samples. Designed specifically for the aforementioned niche of application, the components of SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox promise topnotch performance with respect to sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio and elimination of primer dimers. Furthermore, the proprietary chemical modification of the DNA polymerase included in this mastermix allows for hot-start PCR, conferring a signif icant reduction in non-specific PCR amplification that is otherwise of a common occurrence with regular Taq polymerases.
Based on the fact that the qPCR instruments can vary from user to user, we suggest that the SimplyGreen qPCR Master Mix, Rox is compatible with qPCR instrument: ABI® 7000, 7300, 7700, 790 0, 7900HT StepOnePlus™; StepOne™; OpenArray PRISM™ Sequencing Detection Series.


  • Gene Expression (mRNA) Analysis
  • microRNA & Noncoding RNA Analysis
  • Genetic Variation Analysis



